Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Weekend

Here are some random pictures from this past weekend.  Chad's parents and our 2 nieces came out to visit for a few days.  During that time, we put them to work.  Chad and his dad shingled the playhouse.  I have no idea how nobody was hurt during that "project".  They were wearing flip flops, standing on the TOP of ladders that were clearly unsteady, and working around 5 little monkeys climbing all over the place.  They also put up a swing beam with 2 swings.  Again, no idea how they managed to do that without hurting themselves.  (wobbly ladders, flip flops, and children...)
Claudia styled and braided the girls hair more times than I can remember.  I think Drew tried styling Claudia's hair too. 
I unfortunately did not get too many pictures.  I always seem to forget about taking pictures of all the action.


  1. In the 1st picture of the swing, I wanna know if Chad was planning on catching his dad when he jumped?????

  2. Fun times. I love the one of all of them on the porch.


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