Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mountain biking

Years ago before a wife, kids, and non-stop work I used to love mountain biking (this is Chad if you haven't figured that our yet).  I was on the trails 3 or 4 times per week.  It couldn't please me more to see that one of my own has taken a liking to the sport too.  Afton has had no training wheels for only a week or so and is already a biking champ.  And like dad, fun first, safety second.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sniff Sniff. My first born has left for kindergarten.

Trying to give little sister a hug.  We think little sister is a little upset about this school thing!!!

Every time I look at this picture I get choked up.  My baby is leaving on the BUS!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A day of Firsts

Not only did Avery actually lose her first tooth (okay, I know she knocked out a tooth already, but this is her first tooth that fell out naturally) but her and Afton both rode there bikes WITHOUT training wheels.  It first started with Afton.  I was sitting in the driveway with her and I said "I will give you 5 bucks if  you ride your bike without training wheels"  She replied while walking into the garage "Dad, take off my training wheels".  Yes, we can all agree that she is easily motivated.  ha ha!!! 

I have been trying to post the video of her maiden voyage on the pavement.  (we took a few test runs on the grass)  But for some reason the video will not post!!! 
I will keep trying!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"NEW" toys

Since clearing out the storage unit, we now have "new" toys.  We finally got the gator out of 18 months of storage, and you can see one little man that is pretty excited about it.  The bummer is, the battery wont hold a charge!  Now I need to buy a new one.  Another item that got its freedom from storage is the pool I bought in the late summer of 2009!!!!!  Finally, we to use it!  Many more items were found like the indoor trampoline,  Afton's scooter, and the  bouncing horse.  It was like Christmas again.  Maybe I should of wrapped all this stuff up and said to heck with Christmas shopping this year????

OH MY!!!  Get a load of them thighs....  I think the speedos are a tad small??? 

Little Frogs

I know I have been pretty silent here on the blog.  I have not been very good about taking pictures and I am trying to get my act together after moving into the new house.  We have some little friends that have taken up residence in our egress window. 

On its own.

This tooth came out on its own, when it was supposed to, with no help (like smashing your face into the toy box or the floor)

She is pretty proud of losing her tooth and she has already put it under her bed for the "tooth fairy"

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